Just wanted to give everyone a quick heads up that the Market site will be undergoing a server move today. I am getting off my current host for something a lot more reliable, as it seems that the Market site goes down briefly at least a few times each day - which is just as annoying for me as it is for you. I'll keep you updated on the status, but if for any reason you can not access the site at some point today, don't think I just got up and left.
Server Move On the Way

Warning: Use of undefined constant reviews - assumed 'reviews' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/mktheme/public_html/wp-content/themes/new-market/sidebar.php on line 96
I purchased a license on Friday and had a workable store up in less than an hour. Great job on this theme!
— Michael HackneyMarket Theme is amazing, and I can't wait to post my site in the gallery when we launch. I am really excited. Best investment I have made in a long time!
— M. Quinn SweeneyThis store runs SO much more smoothly and 100x faster than the WP E-Commerce plugin. Glad to be a happy customer.
— Lindsay LaBellaI'd like to extend A VERY BIG THANK YOU to the guys at Market Theme - Well done guys for producing a wonderful product!!!
— Wardi SanusiTry it Risk-Free…